How to ensure a safe disaster recovery operation?


When your organization’s worst-case scenario comes to pass, it’s paramount to have a plan in place. Whether it be a human-induced or natural disaster, ensuring the recovery of information or continuous operations of business-vital technology infrastructure can mark the difference between keeping an organization running or ceasing to exist. While having in-house technology experts focused on disaster recovery tactics can provide benefits, it can be costly for small and medium-sized businesses. 

Thankfully, Disaster-recovery-as-a-service providers, commonly known as DRaas solutions, are here to help. DRaas solutions provide the peace of mind that comes along with an expensive on-site information technology team at a fraction of the price. 

However, this facet of DRaas is only a small part of the equation, as proactively adopting intelligent disaster recovery strategies can pay long-term dividends for any technology-dependent company in the throws of their worst-case scenario. With such thoughts in mind, RackWare would like to share a few tips that can help ensure a secure disaster recovery operation.

Follow Consistent Security Protocols

During a disaster recovery effort, it can sometimes feel as if it’s next to impossible to handle the situation at hand. Yet, failure to adequately mitigate the situation at hand can lead to secondary complications down the road. 

As such, it is paramount that organizations follow the same robust security protocols to a T, just as they would during less stressful business operations. In practice, this means the core factors such as software, hardware, and access control must be accounted for at all times. Thankfully, today’s DRaas solutions provide the toolbox needed by companies in dire need of strong security at their lowest point.

Determine A Disaster Plan And Stick To It

Proactive planning is the key to every successful disaster recovery operation. If your business isn’t planning for the worst possible technology failure, then it has little to no chance once true adversity hits. 

DRaas providers often assist in creating a plan for companies and offer the resources necessary to help them stick to it if a disaster were to strike. If a man-made or natural catastrophe were to affect your organization, the professionals behind today’s DRaas providers would help mitigate the effect on your business operations to the fullest extent possible. 

Adopt Agile Thought Processes

At the end of the day, adopting an agile and responsive decision-making process throughout your firm is one of the best ways to combat the adverse effects that disasters may have on business operations. DRaas services provide impressive benefits, but contracting such services is a moot point if an organization is not prepared to attack disastrous situations head-on.  

Typically, such changes must happen from the top down, so it is important that the company’s Chief Technology Officer is able to communicate the need for such changes effectively. If you aren’t yet a C-Suite member, do your best to promote nimble approaches to disaster management within your organization, as such efforts can go a long way toward preparing for the immense stress associated with disaster recovery operations. 

If you’re looking for a DRaaS solution to help your disaster recovery operations, contact RackWare here.
